Journey through Lent at Emmanuel

Exploring Faith: A Lenten Study Series

Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 PM through March 29

Maybe you are new to Emmanuel and/or the Episcopal Church and are curious about our beliefs, customs, and practices. Maybe you're a long-time Episcopalian and have always wanted to know more (or possibly have forgotten some things along the way). Maybe you feel the nudging of the Holy Spirit and want to explore how the church might help you respond. Whatever the reason, please join our Rector, The Rev. Richards, for five weeks of exploration, conversation, reflection, laughter, and fellowship. For the full schedule and sign up form, please click here.


Sunday, April 2 through Sunday, April 9

The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 2 at 10:30 AM
Like the First century followers of Jesus, we enter Holy Week with “glory, laud and honor”, even as we sense the coming darkness. We leave and begin to walk the way of the cross. Weather permitting, we begin the 10:30am service outdoors and process into church together.

Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 6 at 7 PM
We gather with Jesus in the Upper Room and witness the roots of the Holy Eucharist, wash one another’s feet, and pray for our very souls. In the shadow of the cross we leave in silence.

The Watch: Maundy Thursday into Good Friday Morning
“Will you not wait with me one hour?”
In one-hour shifts from the close of the Maundy Thursday liturgy until the morning of Good Friday, we keep vigil in the Peace Chapel in prayer and meditation. Click here to sign up for the hour of your choice.

Good Friday
Friday, April 7 at 7 PM
“Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”
In one moving liturgy, we experience the Passion of Christ and conclude with a simple Communion from the Reserved Sacrament. Perhaps the most profound liturgy of the year.

The Great Vigil of Easter
Saturday, April 8 at 8 PM
From the darkness of pre-creation chaos to the light of resurrection. We begin in total darkness and kindle the New Fire, continue with the history of God’s saving acts and the promises of Baptism and, in a flash of light and thunderous music, we proclaim, “Alleluia, Christ is risen” and Easter breaks forth.

Easter Day
Sunday, April 9 at 10:30 AM
With great shouts of Alleluia! we begin a festive celebration of the triumph of light over darkness, life over death. Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and we celebrate in word, song, and sacrament.