Baptism: A New Beginning

Holy Baptism is a sacrament by which new members are made part of Christ’s Body, the Christian Church. The outward and visible sign in baptism is water, in which an individual is baptized in the name of the Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The inward and spiritual grace in baptism is the person’s unity with Christ, being birthed into God’s household, receiving the forgiveness of sins and new life in the Holy Spirit. At Emmanuel, we delight in welcoming the newly baptized as partners with us in Christ’s life and ministry, and we thank you for considering having your baptism here. Holy Baptism is a sacred occasion. We promise to do all in our power to make your baptism a joyous event and to support you in your life in Christ.

Who may be baptized?

Anyone who seeks God and is drawn to Jesus Christ is welcome to receive the sacrament of Holy Baptism. God’s invitation extends to all people – no exceptions.

Do you baptize infants?

Yes, we do. The effect of the sacrament is not dependent on an intellectual understanding of it. The celebration of an infant’s baptism is a joyous occasion for that child and for the family, as well as for the family-in-Christ, the church. Baptism celebrates God’s love for us, and that God calls each of us to a special and personal relationship.

Must we be active members of or regular givers to Emmanuel Church?

No. We welcome everyone. Period. And, since part of what baptism conveys is membership in the Body of Christ, the church, we hope that you participate in the worship and community life of this or some other church--before, during, and after the baptism. Need help finding a parish near you? We can help!

What is the purpose of baptism?

In the Episcopal Church, we tend to emphasize incorporation into the body of the faithful at baptism. We also focus on the covenant we make and renew with God. That is why we emphasize church membership and participation so heavily; it would be odd to baptize someone into a community in which they are not going to be actively engaged.

Some also see baptism as washing away the stain of ancestral sin; while this is a theologically valid and sometimes helpful construct, that we have not performed this ritual does not negate God’s love, nor does it prevent God from welcoming those who are not baptized into paradise. Baptism provides a sacramental ritual that proclaims the essential truth that all people are marked as God’s beloved for ever.

What do I do if I don’t know if I was ever baptized?

No problem; we’ve got that covered. Although we consider baptism an unrepeatable event, we also have the ability to perform what is called a “conditional baptism” in circumstances like these.

I was baptized elsewhere; do I need to be baptized again?

No. Baptism is baptism. You could have been baptized in the Roman Catholic Church, a Baptist congregation, or down by the riverside by a Congregationalist minster—whatever, so long as it involved water and an invocation of the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), your baptism is recognized by the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion.

When are baptisms offered?

The calendar of the Christian church has four feast days on which baptisms are especially appropriate. They are:

  • The Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, in January

  • The Great Vigil of Easter in early spring

  • The Day of Pentecost, in late spring

  • All Saints’ Sunday, in November

We encourage baptisms on these joyous occasions. And we are happy to celebrate just about any other Sunday of the year, so long as the parish calendar allows. Because baptism is an initiation into the Christian community and is a public occasion, we do not offer “private baptisms” except in emergency situations.

Who can be godparents?

Every candidate for baptism is accompanied in their faith journey by at least one sponsor (for adults) or godparent (for minor children). The commitment of the sponsor is to support the candidate in the Christian faith and life. Sponsors must be baptized Christians, though it is not necessary for them to be Episcopalians. Any number of sponsors/godparents is appropriate, and you are free to choose the people you love most without regard to gender identity. (In other words, you are not limited to having only a godmother and godfather.)

How do I prepare for baptism?

Candidates for baptism—or their parents and godparents if the candidate is an infant or young child—enter into a time of holy preparation before the baptism. During this time, candidates and sponsors (godparents) reflect prayerfully on the promises they will be asked to make at the baptismal service. Beginning on page 299 of the Book of Common Prayer, the liturgy for Holy Baptism makes clear what is asked of those who seek baptism, and those who sponsor children for baptism. Candidates, parents, and godparents, should spend the time leading up to the celebration reading through, considering, and praying over these words which serve as a foundation for a commitment to the Christian faith and life. (To make this easier, we’ve linked a pdf of the pertinent parts of the BCP here.) Prior to the liturgy, the clergy will gather the parents, godparents, and candidates to review the logistics of the day and answer any questions that might arise.

What happens during the baptismal service?

When we baptize infants, parents and sponsors (godparents) make promises on behalf of the child. When we baptize adults, the adult renounces evil, affirms faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and joins in promising to uphold the faith of the Church.

In baptism, holy water is poured over the head of the person being baptized. Then Chrism (holy oil, blessed by the bishop) is poured on the person’s head as the presence of the Holy Spirit is invoked and claimed for this new Christian. Finally, a candle is given to the newly baptized, symbolizing that this person now shares in carrying the Light of Christ into the world.

What happens after baptism?

Because baptism is a rite of initiation and welcome, it is a beginning, the start of something new. You likely won’t be surprised to hear that we wish for the newly baptized and their families an ongoing life of faith, hope, and love. Because we love you, we pray that you will have a loving and fulfilling relationship with God within a chosen Christian community. (Not to be too forward, but we hope that community will be Emmanuel!)

How much does baptism cost?

There is no charge for this or any other sacramental rite. As a sign of God’s love freely bestowed upon all people, baptism come without a monetary price tag.

What about pictures?

Take lots of them! However, since flash photography and spotlighted video are distracting to the congregation, we ask you to make any recordings without these.

How do I schedule a baptism?

When you are ready to set a date, the process is quite simple. Please contact our Rector, The Rev. Anne Marie Richards ( to begin your inquiry. We look forward to seeing you at church, worshipping with you, and welcoming you as a part of our community.