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The Rev. Dr. Fadi Diab: A Word of Truth and Hope from Palestine

  • The Gallery at Emmanuel Episcopal Church 2 West Read Street Baltimore, MD, 21201 United States (map)

Note: This event will take place in the Gallery at Emmanuel Church. Entrance at 2 W. Read Street.

The Rev. Dr. Fadi Diab, Rector of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Ramallah, Palestine, and a sought-after speaker regarding the theological understanding of the Palestine-Israel conflict, brings a word of truth and hope from our siblings in Palestine to Emmanuel on Sunday, March 9 at 4:00pm. Fr. Fadi is a priest, theologian, writer, and speaker, whose commitment to community, justice, and solidarity ground his faith and ministry. Born and raised in Zababdeh, a predominantly Christian town in the northern [Occupied] West Bank, he has spent his ordained ministry serving parishes in Jordan and Palestine and is currently the rector of St. Andrew’s Church in Ramallah and St. Peter’s Church in Birzeit. Fr. Fadi is a co-author of “A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope, and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering," also referred to as the Kairos Palestine Document (2009). 

Within the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, Fr. Fadi serves as the diocesan secretary, chief justice of the diocesan ecclesiastical court, and chair of the Peace, Justice, and Integrity of Creation committee. Fr. Diab is also vice chair of the Al Ahli Arab Hospital (Gaza) board and the chaplain of the hospital’s Chapel of St. Philip the Evangelist.

Beyond the diocese, Fr. Fadi serves on the board of Kairos Palestine and is also a member of the Palestine-Israeli Theologians Forum, the Palestine Advisory Council of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship, and chair of the UK Friends of the Holy Land local (Palestine) committee.

Fr. Dadi holds a bachelor’s degree from the Near East School of Theology in Beirut, Lebanon, a Master of Sacred Theology from Chicago Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois, a Master of Theological Studies from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, and a Doctorate in Leadership and Ministry Development from Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia.

Earlier Event: March 6
Lorelei Ensemble