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Adult Forum - Timothy Sabin, "The Center Will Hold"

Advent 2016 - The Center Will Hold, Four Part Series

Timothy Sabin graduated magna cum laude from Bowdoin College with a major in Latin and completed his graduate studies at Brown University with a degree in Classics. He entered into a 30 year career in Boston in legal administration before moving to Washington DC where he conducted graduate education courses at various institutions as well as produced several classical plays. He also taught Koine Greek to postulants before they entered the seminary, as well as continued teaching Greek and Latin in other venues. 

November 27 – Puritan Rust
The history of our founders’ vocation to repair what is wrong becomes itself corrupted, whether in the history of people, nations, or religions. 
December 4 – Puritan Gold
This same history bears eternal witness to the high calling of those who live to set things right. 
December 11 – If You Hear the Dogs, Keep Going
From Henry David Thoreau and Harriet Tubman to Desmond Tutu, we find the powerful testimony of those who will not be confined to the margins: how the pilgrimage of us as individuals joins this holy company. 
December 18 – The Center Will Hold
hen Nature and its component Humankind at last perceive their redemption, they shall find it at the center, where they meet their Christ. We are compelled to the conclusion as a Christian population that there is no margin. There is only the Center, to which we all strive and in which we shall finally rest. The Christian Life is supremely centripetal.

This event will take place in the Gallery

Earlier Event: December 15
Greening of the Church
Later Event: December 18
Lessons and Carols