These ministries are open to anyone and we are more than happy to provide you with training. To join a team, please contact our parish office, at


Acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers, & Lectors

Acolytes assist the clergy throughout the service, including leading the procession to begin and end our 10:30 am celebration of the Eucharist. Procession roles include, but are not limited to, carrying the cross, torches, or our parish banner. Acolyte means "one who serves."  

Lay Eucharistic Ministers are also known as Chalice Bearers and aid the clergy in preparing for and serving Communion.  

Lectors are lay readers of scripture or the prayers during the worship service.

The guilds

Serve on the Altar Guild to prepare the altar and sacred vessels for services. Bring a willing spirit and we'll show you the rest!

The Flower Guild crafts arrangements for the services at Emmanuel. Your work will bring nature's beauty into the house of God. Arranging experience not required! 

The Bread Guild is a dedicated group of bakers who glorify God by providing fresh, homemade bread for every Eucharist service. Recipe and tools provided. 


Ushers are the face of the parish for our visitors and a valuable part of the welcome team. They distribute bulletins, collect the offering, and help to manage room logistics on Sunday.